
Trump to meet Kim on June 12 in Singapore for World Peace

-- 11 May,2018

Washington, May 11

US President Donald Trump today announced that he will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on June 12 in Singapore for a historic meeting to discuss the denuclearisation on the Korean Peninsula.
Trump’s announcement came hours after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo returned home from North Korea with three detained Americans.
Trump, who personally greeted the trio at the Andrews Air Force Base, praised Kim for their release ahead of their summit.
“The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place in Singapore on June 12th. We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!,” Trump tweeted.
The summit, which has been in the works since Trump accepted Kim’s invitation to meet in March, will be the first ever meeting between a sitting US president and North Korean leader.
US officials had also considered holding the summit at the Korean demilitarized zone or in Mongolia, but ultimately settled on the city-state of Singapore as the location.
Pyongyang’s weapons programme has seen tensions on the Korean Peninsula reach ratchet up in recent months, prompting fresh rounds of sanctions and fiery rhetoric from Trump and Kim.

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